💌 Tiny Improvements

Build with a purpose

A newsletter for product builders, startup founders, and indiehackers, who design with intention, and my thoughts on living a life you love in a busy world.

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    💌 Read the latest dispatch

    There's no right way to do it


    Building products comes with a sisyphean paradox: The blessing is that there are so many ways to do it. The curse is that there are so many ways to do it.

    Read past disptaches

    Chase your interests to build something useful


    Explore the power of hyperfixation on the internet, from tech enthusiasts diving deep into topics to engineers creating innovative solutions. Discover how curiosity can lead to expertise and groundbreaking tools.

    Your resume sucks. Here's how to fix it.


    A guide to writing a resume that doesn't suck, from a hiring manager's perspective.

    Do this with Your Product Waitlist: A Guide for Indiehackers and Startup Founders


    Learn strategies to leverage your product waitlist for sustainable growth. Ideal for indiehackers and startup founders, this guide offers actionable tips to convert initial interest into paying customers.

    Breaking the cycle: Data-driven product descisions


    Learn how to escape common product development pitfalls using data-driven decisions. Read how Craftwork used analytics to optimize their user experience.

    Reverse DevRel: The core engineering skill you've been missing


    DevRel is a core engineering skill that is often overlooked. By turning the DevRel model on its head, we can use it to build better products and better teammates.

    Continuous self improvement and the morning ritual


    Reflecting on my morning ritual, journaling for clarity, and podcasts for your morning walk

    My startup got into Y Combinator


    Well, our startup did - Craftwork is a tech-connected home painting company that is making it easier for homeowners to get their homes painted.

    Two truths and a lie: what Meta got right with the Threads launch


    Meta's new app, Threads, is a Twitter clone that launched last week. It's not perfect, but it's a great example of a product launch that went extremely well.

    Maximize user retention: the cognitive science approach...


    Understand how multitasking affects your customers' memory, and improve your product design and engagement with cognitive psychology and the Zeigarnik effect.

    Takeaways from VidCon's creator track


    Last week, I went to VidCon in Anaheim, California. It was my first time as a creator at the event. Here are my three takeaways from the conference.

    Intellectual humility: how to be wrong productively


    How to use being wrong to improve UX and product design. Learn how to embrace mistakes and create better products for your users.

    Cognitive load, UX, and why you should care


    Cognitive load is a concept that is important to understand that is often overlooked, and has a huge impact on both UX and the lived experience of building your product.

    Reddit as a tool for learning


    If you haven't been using reddit as a tool for learning, you are truly missing out. It's time to give it a try.

    Your portfolio is a timeline of your growth


    At some point in your life, you will look back on the work you did when you were just getting started with a new skill, and see everything you did wrong. Let's talk about how to channel that feeling for good

    We hurled a people into space by building a pool: the case for simplification


    Everyone has their moonshot: something that seems impossibly difficult. We can learn a lot from the people who have landed their own moonshots.

    Tiny Improvements for big changes


    Discover how tiny habits like journaling, language learning, & writing helped me stay grounded during the pandemic & achieve personal growth.

    You are far more influential than you think


    You're already marketing yourself every moment. You just need to be aware of it and do it intentionally.

    The first 90 days as a technical cofounder - building a startup in 2023


    I'm building a new company for the first time since 2016. A lot has changed since then. Here's what feels different this time around.

    Wabi-Sabi - embracing imperfection for tech teams


    The products we build are naturally imperfect. We can learn from the flaws and imperfections in our code to create better, more resilient products while nurturing team and personal growth.

    An idiot's guide to using ChatGPT to make yourself smarter


    ChatGPT is amazing, and quickly finding its way into mainstream use - regardless of how tech-savvy the end user is. This is how I use ChatGPT to learn.

    Why Liquid Death's branding is murderously effective


    Discover the science behind naming and branding, and how the Bouba/Kiki effect can help you create a brand identity that resonates with your audience.

    The productivity tool I use every day to multiply my output


    I've been using networked note taking to organize my thoughts and ideas for years. Here's how it's helped me become more productive and efficient.

    The math behind why cafes should have round tables


    Though we don't often think of it this way, the objects and buildings around us are the result of a series of design decisions.

    The finicky nature of color in product design


    Choosing colors for your product can be a difficult task. There are cultural, historical, contextual, and even physiological factors that can influence how we perceive color.

    Perception and unexpected tricks of the mind


    Explore the fascinating world of perception and cognition in the Tiny Improvements newsletter. Uncover the unexpected tricks of our minds and learn how to make tiny improvements in our cognitive abilities.

    Learn from me: a Dunning-Kruger expert


    Drawing on the Dunning-Kruger Effect to propel tech progress is like using a slingshot to travel into space: Leaving our comfort zone to learn from experts gives us the momentum to break through boundaries and break records.

    These are the books that shaped my career


    A sampling of books that have had a fundamental impact on my career as a designer, developer and startup founder.

    Tools for building a new company


    I spent the last week spinning up a new company for the first time since 2017. Here are the tools I used.

    The case for continued learning, and getting side projects out the door


    The end of 2022 brought about a ton of change for me, and a major shift in my career. I'm excited to talk a little about what's next, and to show off a side project I'm readying for release soon.

    Building your brand in the developer community


    Learn how to build a personal brand as a developer or product builder to differentiate yourself in the tech industry and gain recognition for your work. Authenticity and consistency are key to attracting the right people and opportunities. Follow these steps to get started.

    Customer experience, quality, and the hype cycle


    The Gartner Hype Cycle, and its relationship with customer experience for new products and companies.

    Put a fork in it - how to know when your work is ready to publish


    Deciding when your work is "done" can be a crippling decision for creators. Let's talk about that.

    Get started: The trick to publishing online


    The biggest benefit about telling people online about what you're learning is the network effect.

    What it's like to get laid off and go viral on the same day


    Last week may have been the most complicated week of my life. I got laid off from Stripe, and went viral on Twitter. Here's what happened.

    What I learned from using AI in my work


    Machine learning and AI tools have been making waves in the news lately. Let's take a look at some that you might want to consider using

    Tips for managing burnout and stress


    We all experience stress and burnout at some point in our lives. Here are the tools I've found to stay ahead of burnout in my job and my relationships.

    5 Design rules everyone should know


    For most of my life, I would not have described myself as a creative person. As it works out, nobody is inherently creative. It's all about following rules.

    Remember these apps?


    This Dispatch of Tiny Improvements dives into some of †he apps we've forgotten, no code tools, and time off.

    The way we talk about our things


    This we we talk about intentional use of language and how it can affect subconscious behavior.

    What I've learned from working in public


    I'm a big fan of working in public. It's a great way to get feedback and improve your work... you just have to be ready to deal with The Internet™️

    Balance for remote workers


    Show up better on video calls, make your writing better by writing more, friction logging, and conferences are back!

    Has it been four years already?


    MLK, presidential inauguration, time illusions, new features in Gatsby, and designing for musicians.

    Sip your coffee quietly, act kindly


    Watching history happen before our eyes, the economic study of bitcoin, accessibility, and drinking coffee in a quiet room.

    The Enthusiast's Hidden Superpower


    Optimism and the new year, why being an enthusiast can help you build a better product, espresso drinking and daily writing.

    On seasonal change, open source, and carbon offsets


    Cognitive science and the framing effect, Open Source software and Working in Public, language learning, creating online courses, and reforestation.

    I swear I wrote that down somewhere 🤦‍♂️


    Training your brain with networked note-taking, privacy-first analytics for websites, expensive asparagus, speed reading and retention.

    Mike Bifulco headshot

    Subscribe to Tiny Improvements

    A newsletter for product builders, startup founders, and indiehackers, who design with intention, and my thoughts on living a life you love in a busy world.

      Typically once a week, straight from me to you. 😘 Unsubscribe anytime.

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      © 2019-2023 Mike Bifulco

      Get in touch to → Sponsor Tiny Improvements

      Disclaimer: 👋🏽 Hi there. I work as a co-founder & CTO at Craftwork. These are my opinions, and not necessarily the views of my employer.
      Built with Next. Source code on GitHub.